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Essiac Liquid Herbal Supplement 300ml

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Now all the benefits of the powdered Essiac are available in a convenient liquid form that easy to take and pleasant tasting. Essiac is a medicinal herbal tea formulated by Canadian nurse Rene Cassie. Essiac has been used for years for the treatment of abnormal cells, praised by survivors to have the remarkable ability to shrink tumors and restore health. Consisting of four herbs including Burdock Root (traditionally known for its blood cleansing abilities and nutritive supply), Sheep Sorrel (nourishes the glandular system, rich in nutrients), Slippery Elm (helps inflammation, soothes organs and provides essential vitamins), Indian Rhubarb (rich in iron, gentle laxative, cleanses toxins).


Take 2-4 teaspoons (10-20ml) of Essiac liquid 1-2 times daily or as directed by a health care practitioner. Take Essiac on an empty stomach.

Important Information

Essiac is free of all common allergens, including: wheat, dairy, eggs, corn, and yeast. Do not take Essiac if you are pregnant or nursing.