Hubner Silicea Gel 500ml

Silicic acid contains the vital trace element silicon (Si). In the body, silicon (Si) is the “building material” of the connective tissue, which is key to the health of the entire body. Silicic acid also strengthens the connective tissue with its exceptional water bonding capacity. Healthy, strong connective tissue is the prerequisite for smooth skin and strong hair and fingernails.

Silicic acid in its ultrafine (colloidal) form with its large active surface area binds, for instance, substances causing inflammation, and is therefore ideal for external application on areas of circumscribed local skin irritation, such as:

Minor superficial wounds, especially
  • small cuts
  • cracked skin, abrasions, scratches
  • bedsores
  • inflammatory skin disorders, pimples
  • local skin irritation associated with allergies in conjunction with inflammation


  • minor burns and scalding of the skin
  • sunburn
IngredientsDirections & Cautions