New Roots Pur Collagen Radiant Skin 60s

Pur Collagen Radiant Skin smoothens skin from within to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles within 28 days. Each capsule contains 500 mg of hydrolyzed collagen, also known as peptides.

Benefits & Features
  • Marine-Sourced
  • Contains 6% elastin
  • Reduce Deep Wrinkles in 28 Days
  • 500 mg of hydrolyzed collagen per capsule
  • Sustainably sourced collagen

Sustainably sourced collagen from fish skin and skeleton, when hydrolyzed (broken down into smaller pieces called peptides), are more easily digested and absorbed within the bloodstream. These peptides then fuel the growth of type 1 collagen, which accounts for approximately 80% of the protein that forms the dense network of tissue called the dermis.

Pure Collagen Radiant Skin also contains 6% elastin, the complementary protein which forms a matrix with collagen. Elastin adds flexibility to skin which helps it adapt and retain its look following everything, including your smile. Pur Collagen Radiant Skin also stimulates the body’s own production of main dermis constituents which help lift and tone skin.

IngredientsDirections & Cautions